Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I think that in every post, I'm going to put a picture up from my daily life so you guys can see into my life a little bit. Today's picture is from our school's graduation. Although I'm only a junior (well, technically a senior now!) a lot of my friends were graduating this year so I went to see all of them walk the stage! The three boys in this picture are the graduates! The one in the black shirt is Frank (who was also my prom date!), the one next to him is Brenden, and the one kneeling is Hayden. Let me know what you guys think of this whole "picture sharing" idea :)

Wearing: Grey cheer shorts, AP bio shirt (I just got home from practice...haha)
Listening to: Seventeen by Smoov-E

It's finally summer! YAY! Let the fun begin ;) Summer so far has been great! Lot's of hanging out with my friends and just having a bunch of fun adventures and sleepovers! Cheer also has been good, we're starting conditioning this week, which is intense but fun! Lots of running and stretching and crunches and push ups and stunting! But, what doesn't help is the heat! Ugh, running in 95 degree weather is NOT fun. But, I'm running for captain of the varsity squad this year, so I'm going to try and keep the complaining down to a minimum. Hahaha :)

Here's some videos to expect soon:
-Updated face routine.
-Top 10 favorite eyeshadows.
-What I'm loving!



  1. i always forget that high school still exists. i'm jealous.

  2. i think the idea with the pictures is amazing!! :]

  3. the pic is sooo cool hahaha
    finally you're back! i'm impatient to watch your new videos ^^

    hope your great!!
    lots of kisses!! :D

  4. Try training for cross country in Arizona, where the heat is unbearable. It gets up to like 115 down here.

  5. oh i like this idea :] and im looking forward to more blog posts/videos! have a good summer haley!

  6. your youtube channel has been removedd! whyyy? :__(

  7. i really am upset.. i really wish you didnt delete your account.
    i know there were some nasty people leaving comments/
    but i hope you could make a blogpost just explaining what happened?
    i absolutely would have never unsubbed to you and i loved your videos

  8. Just noticed your youtube channel has been deleted. What happened? I miss your videos.

  9. wow. Im gonna seem like a stalker but I'm pretty sure I saw Haley on TV haha True Hollywood Story Investigates: Cheerleading or something like that on E!. It said the girls name was Haley, too, so I was like OMG I've seen her before and then I came here and realized her account was gone!

    Unless that wasn't you on TV,then I'll feel stupid hahaha but if it was you looked really pretty!
